1.路灯和我之间 究竟谁是谁的过客 谁是谁生命的点缀
Who is the passer-by and who is the embellishment of life between the street lamp and me.
2.是眼睛迷失了方向 还是心中本就没了光
Is it the eyes taht lose their direction or the heart that has no light?
3.擦去脸上的泪水 却带不走心中痛楚的感觉
Wipe away the tears on your face but not the pain in your heart.
4.有些心事只能自言自语 有些秘密只能讲给朋友
Some minds can only talk to themselves, some secrets can only be told to friends.
5.有时候 心里会突然冒出一种厌倦的情绪 觉得自己很累很累
Sometimes I suddenly feel tired and tired.
6.曾经的幸福 现在回忆起来却让我疼的不知所错
Happiness used to be, but now I am at a loss when I recall it.
7.沉默就是答案 躲闪就是答案 不再主动就是答案 你早该明白了
Silence is the answer, Dodge is the answer, no longer take the initiative is the abswer, you should have understood.
8.当自己熬过所有的苦的时候 就不那么想和谁在一起了
I don't want to be with anybody when I'm through all the hardships.
未经允许不得转载:itotii » 很走心的扎心短句:想对很多人说别走,但最后只能说一句再见